Sunday, May 21, 2006

KOQ Round #2: UAB

KOQ 2006 Year Three, Round #2, Ugly Ass Bikes HQ

Round #2 took place at the UAB HQ this weekend. A strong turnout with about 40 riders. We almost didn’t have a flatland event, and we might not have one at the last two events, but after the signup deadline, three riders decided to do it for the prizes.
1) Jason Plourde
2) Mike
3) Prasheel Gopal

Am, which is sort of the intermediate class, saw Chris Birch being kicked out for being too good. Then we forgot to sign him up for Expert. Oops.
1) Nick
2) Jay
3) Dillon
4) Dominic
5) Zack
6) Tony
7) Laurent
8) Mike

The expert class was tight. Indeed, a three way tie for first place. We also had a six-man Pro / too-good-for-expert demo.
1) Craig 118
1) Charles Deschamps 118
1) Ted 118
4) Brandon 88
5) Claude 78
6) Antho 68
6) Dewey 68
6) Oli Brunelle 68
9) Jimmy 38
9) Freak 38
9) Rich Redmond 38
12) Albert 18
12) Jorden G. 18
12) David 18
12) Oli Rouseau 18
16) Jeremy 18
17) David G 18
18) Johnny J. 18

Pro Demo:
Max Vincent
Pat Denis
Jo Boutch
Ben K.
Crazy Chris

OVERALL Points for KOQ after two rounds:
Ted Bambrick 118 + 98 = 216
Claude Fréchette 88 + 78 = 166
Craig 118
Charles Deschamps 118
Jimmy Brunelle 38+58 = 96
Freak 38+58 = 96
Rich Redmond 38+58 = 96
Brandon 88
Antho Marquis 68+18 = 86
Oli Brunelle 68+ 18 = 86
Honourable Mentions: attended both rounds
David Gauthier 18+18 = 36
Oli Rouseau 18+17 = 35

The series sponsors are Etnies, Dragon, Dedication BMX, Krusher, Drive, Ugly Ass Bikes, MacNeil, Orchid, Little Devil, Ten Pack, Primo, We The People, Props, Animal, Federal, FBM, 1664, S&M, Fit, Kink, Profile, Solid and Marseille. Ten Pack is making sure that the overall winners will be taken care of, as they are hooking up a MacNeil frame for the park winner.